Pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 13 of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of individuals with reference to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter also referred to as the "Regulation" or "GDPR") and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC, we inform you that the personal data you have voluntarily made available to this site, will be processed in compliance with the current legislation on the protection of personal data and, in any case, with the principles of confidentiality which inspire the Company's activities.
1. Purpose of the treatment
The personal data you have made available to the Company may be used to provide you and / or send you our newsletter containing information and promotional / advertising communications, including of a commercial nature, and / or offers of goods and services, by any means, including, by way of example but not limited to, mail, Internet, telephone, E-mail, MMS, SMS from Italy or abroad (even from countries outside the European Community, in compliance with current legislation) by the Company .
2. Processing methods
The processing of your personal data will be carried out using suitable paper, electronic and / or telematic tools, with logic strictly related to the purposes described above and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.
3. Provision of data and consequences of any refusal
The provision of your personal data is optional. However, your refusal and / or the provision of inaccurate and / or incomplete information will not allow us to provide you and / or send you our newsletter, containing information and promotional / advertising communications, including of a commercial nature, and / or offers of goods. and services, by any means, and for the purposes indicated in point 1 above.
4. Categories of recipients of personal data
Within the Company, the shareholders, the members of the board of directors or other administrative body and, in any case, the person in charge of the protection of personal data, the Managers and the persons in charge of the processing of the designated personal data may become aware of your personal data. by the Company in the exercise of their functions. In pursuit of the aforementioned purposes, the Company may also make use of the following categories of subjects who may also become aware of your personal data: qualified subjects who provide the Company with services or services that are instrumental to the aforementioned purposes, subjects and companies possibly called to manage and / or participate in the management and / or maintenance of our websites and electronic and / or telematic tools; parent companies, subsidiaries and / or investee companies for administrative and accounting purposes; any other person to whom the data must be communicated on the basis of an express provision of the law. Your personal data will not be subject to disclosure. Your personal data may possibly be transferred abroad, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation, even in countries outside the European Union where the Company may pursue its own interests. The transfer to non-EU countries, in addition to the cases in which this is guaranteed by the Commission Adequacy Decisions, is carried out in such a way as to provide appropriate and appropriate guarantees pursuant to art. 46 or 47 or 49 of the GDPR.
5. Criteria used for data retention
The data concerning you will be kept for a period of time not exceeding that necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are processed. In any case, should you request that you no longer wish to receive the newsletter of this site, your contact will be promptly deleted from the distribution list.
6. Rights of the interested party
We inform you that at any time with regard to your data, you can exercise the rights provided within the limits and under the conditions set out in articles 7 and 15-22 of the GDPR. To exercise these rights, described below, please contact the Data Controller via the Privacy office at the email address; suitable feedback will be provided to this request according to the timing provided for by the GDPR. In detail, the interested party has the right to: - revoke the consent previously given, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on consent before revocation, - ask the Data Controller for access, rectification or cancellation ("Right all'Oblio ") of personal data or the limitation of the processing of personal data concerning him or to oppose their treatment; - obtain data portability; - propose a complaint to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data if it believes that its rights have been infringed.
7. Data Controller and Responsible for the processing of personal data.
The data controller is Gianluca Barbanera Photography, Any request relating to the personal data processed by the Company can be addressed to the Data Controller at the Company's headquarters, or by writing to the e-mail address The updated list of the Managers is available from the Company and is available through a specific request formulated in the manner indicated above.This information will be subject to updates. We therefore invite Users who intend to know the methods of processing of personal data collected by this site to periodically visit this page.